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Orange of the month – sanguinelli orange

Orange of the month – sanguinelli orange

The fruit The sanguinelli orange may look like a typical orange at first glance. Its skin has a reddish hue but the real surprise is inside: its flesh is red like the color of raspberries. This color is what gives it its name as it is known as the blood orange or red...
Orange of the month – Salustiana orange

Orange of the month – Salustiana orange

The fruit The orange Salustiana is a variety of white orange. This is a classic orange that has been on the market for more than 50 years. It satisfies the taste buds of most consumers of orange juice. This orange type has its origin in a natural spontaneous mutation...
Orange of the mounth – Navel orange

Orange of the mounth – Navel orange

With this article we open a series called “Orange of the month” in which we explain the different types of oranges, their benefits, their history and their uses. In this way, we hope you can get the best out of each fruit and make good use of its...
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