In winter the diseases are at the order of the day. The most frequent are the flu and colds, which are very annoying and easy to spread.
Do not expose yourself to sudden temperature changes, healthy eating, taking vitamin supplements and warming up before leaving, can help us prevent them. Another great ally for its prevention are natural juices.
Drinking these combinations of juices of freshly squeezed fruit, makes us take advantage of all their properties and nutrients, making them a great ally in the prevention of colds. In addition, raw fruits and vegetables strengthen our immune system and are necessary for these healthy.
Cocktail of citrus fruits and chia seeds
- 2 oranges
• 1 small grapefruit
• 1 round lemon or lime
• 1 teaspoon of chia seeds
• ½ teaspoon of cinnamon
Extract the juice of all citrus fruits you can use a manual juicer or our automatic juicers.
Serve in a glass and add the cinnamon and freshly ground chia seeds. Mix well and let it rest for a while so that the miles soften and release the mucilage.
This juice has a great antibacterial and antiseptic power
Citrus fruits with Ginger
- 2 oranges
• 1 round lemon
• 1 strawberry
• ½ celery
• 1 small piece of ginger
Squeeze the oranges and lemon manually or using any of our citrus juicer models.
Add the chopped celery. Beat well until the celery is crushed and mixed with the juice.
Cut the strawberry and add it to the mixture.
Peel the ginger slice. Rállalolo finer than you can and add it to the juice. Mix everything well. And our juice is ready!
In this juice the flavonoids and antioxidants of citrus fruits are added to the power of jengribre to fight viruses. Celery helps you to improve natural defenses by its expectorant action, which is very useful to eliminate mucus.