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The fruit

The orange Salustiana is a variety of white orange. This is a classic orange that has been on the market for more than 50 years. It satisfies the taste buds of most consumers of orange juice.

This orange type has its origin in a natural spontaneous mutation from oranges of the variety Comuna. The mutation occurred at the end of the 40s in Enova, province of Valencia. A possible cause of this event were the changes in the climate and the conditions of culture. The harvest season lasts between December and April with its summit in winter.

The orange tree Salustiana has a good development and a medium to large size with very strong branches. These are very sensitive to temperature change and suffer especially in cold seasons.

This is a round orange and slightly flattened, orange without glitter or reddish tones. This variety of oranges has hardly any seeds or nuggets and has a generally thin crust.

The Salustiana is an orange with a lot of juice and a very sweet flavor, so it is suitable and recommendable both for direct consumption and for consumption in juices.

Nutritional benefits

The most common benefits of this type of oranges are:

  • Hydration: it is a type of oranges very rich in water and they do not have great caloric contribution thanks to this.
  • Contains potassium necessary for the transmission of nerve impulse and normal muscle activity, magnesium that improves immunity and has a weak laxative and calcium effect
  • Fibers; They are found in the white part of the cortex and promote intestinal transit.
  • Orange acids; It contains different acids with disinfectant actions, they help in the production of red and white blood cells and the synthesis of genetic material, in addition to the improvement of the immune system.
  • Vitamins: contains a large amount of vitamin A (beta-carotene) and antioxidants. This two together help to maintain good vision, a good health  of the hair,  bones and a good functioning of the immune system. It also contains vitamin C that helps the formation of collagen, health of bones, teeth and absorption of iron in the body.
frucosol 11:05 am
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